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Thursday 20 October 2011

Week 12: iOS vs Android

Let's talk about iOS and Android throughout this whole week.

Further reading:
Roth, D. (2008) 'Google's Open Source Android OS Will Free the Wireless Web'. Wired, June 23. 
[ URL: ]

New to iOS and Android?
iOS is the operating system (OS) for iPhone and the latest version of iOS is iOS 5 and the developer obviously is Apple. Then, Android is the open source of mobile operating system created by Google. Android is available for several phone manufacturers in the world such as Samsung, Sony Ericsson, and HTC. The latest version of Android OS is 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.

Want to know more about ios and Android? Watch the following two videos and they both talk about the features:

duncan33303 6th June 2011, iOS 5 full details,
Video viewed on 20th October 2011
[ URL: ]

androiddevelopers 26th October 2009, Android 2.0 official video,
Video viewed on 20th October 2011
[ URL: ]

Either iOS or Android have their own significant features. So, which one is better? It can be very argumental and very personal opinion based or different point of views, since these two are the mobile OS competitors for each other. Moreover, a recent research on mobile OS and found out the percentage of app downloads Android occupied 44 percent and beat iOS which was 31 percent only during second quarter of 2011. Another review on last year also showed that Android active users soon reach 100 million. That finding was last year, so imagine the increment of Android active users by today is really a lot, a lot! What can all these results prove? It proves Android is famous and popular than iOS. Watch this video, it strengthens the arguments of Android is better than iOS:

CNETTV 11th November 2010, Top 5: Reasons Android is better than iPhone,
Video viewed on 20th October 2011
[ URL: ]

However, die hard fans for Apple product sure would definitely love iOS 5 and support iOS. Watch this then you might understand why:

AppJudgment 7th June 2011, Android users react to Apple iOS 5 announcements. Something rotten in cupertino! - AppJudgment,
Video viewed on 20th October 2011
[ URL: ]

The further reading is about the story of Android is formed and the effects to make Android. Besides, it also discusses the influences of Android to the web especially the ways we browse the net. Thanks to Android, we now can surf the net by using smart phones more faster and more effectives.

In addition, the good about Android and iOS are:
1. Apps Download
They both do have market (Android market) or apps store (iOS) for us to download various types of apps (applications). More than 10, 000 apps are available for both OS. Apps can enhance the speed of doing work and also improve the quality of work. For example, we can now produce music by using instruments apps.

2. Surf net easily
Android and iOS come with their own browsers. Android is called Browser and iOS is safari. We can browser through the Internet by using mobile browsers.

Android and iOS both influence our Internet activities, usage and behaviors. Due to Android and iOS allow us to connect Internet easily then, we keen to use the Web more frequently. Many people use mobile phones to online especially South Africa. The features also stimulate the increment of social media users and content. We tend to use our mobile phones or other Android and iOS devices such as tablets, iPad and many more to surf net and do other online activities. For example, we can use our smart phone to capture a picture then upload to Facebook. In consequences, our online habits and behaviors can be reshaped and we are now more addicted to the social media.

1. The Huffington Post 25th October 2011, Android apps more popular than iOS Apps, ABI research study finds, HuffPost Tech
Retrieved on 20th October 2011, available at
[ URL: ]

2. Lia S 31st January 2011, Android soon has 100 million active users, Info Sync
Retrieved on 20th October 2011, available at
[ URL: ]


  1. Hi, Cindy.
    I am agree with what you mentioned.
    iOS and Android which one is better. It is very subjective.
    However, to me. I am user of Android. Compare with the apps for both OS, I like the concept of Android free. But I still prefer iOS apps. As my personal experience, I think iOS is more effective than Android apps.

  2. Hey Cindy,
    I totally agree with the both of you that is very subjective to compare which is better. I think is the society that depict a war against two huge companies.i think when we purchase a device or a thing they should look past the brand. The user should look at the features,applications and affordability too. Look at which be more convenient and easier to use.

  3. Well, very competitive between Android and Apple, doesn't? Actually for my opinions, there are no winners and losers and everything are still in the test mode. There is not a final demo for us to test. Everything is keep changing. Even iPhone had come out with the iOS 5 and Android had come out with the Android Ice Cream sandwich. But, at the end of the day, doesn't these two smart phones had give the same outcome? Surf net, instance communicate, apps download and more. At the end, what we can see is the revolution of the mobile phone but not just narrow to these two company as there are more advanced technology and competitor in the future.


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