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Thursday 3 November 2011

Week 13: The Internet Things: Why Things Matter

The last case study:
Bleecker J 2006, Why things matter: A manifesto for networked objects
[ URL: ]

The above article discussses blogject and spime. These two terms might be very new to certain people included me. I do not know them until I read this article. Nowadays, the technologies are more advance and we are living with the Web at anything time and anywhere. The ways to access to the Web are broader. I keep repeating on this because the technologies improve us to access the Web easier did really leave impact to our society. We are now relying on virtual social networking on Facebook or Twitter. Previous post contained several videos that talk about social media, you can always watch those videos again to know how social media impact towards our society by today. However, now the "thing" is, the Internet is not only Internet but radio wave frequency.

Basically blogject refers to the focus attention and participations between "objects" and the "things" within the atmosphere of network. It sounds confusing to you? Readers, do you still remember the information flow and nodes that I have discussed on the earlier time? It is something like information flow and nodes but blogject is the term for the sphere of these information flow and nodes by using RFID (Radio Frequency Identifiers). Then, spime is the more advance term than blogject. Basically they are similar. Either blogject or spime can track, it is searchable and it can discourse with other things within the network. The thing here we can imagine it as the information flow and node. 

Still confusing? Blogject and spimes are not only applied to Internet and the Web but also RFID.  Maybe go through these examples would strengthen your understanding:
1. GSM communications
Basically, it is your mobile phone and your telecommunication operator such as Maxis, Digi and others. How you receive calls, text messages and multimedia messages via telco? RFID do the things. How RFID helps to deliver the messages to you? So, blogject and spimes connect with each other and discourse then pass the messages to you by RFID.

2. GPS
How you can really receive immediate update with your GPS? Blogject and spimes search information and using RFID as delivery channel. It is just like GPS is functioning based on blogject and spimes from satellite through radio wave.

3. Google Maps
The same theory that applies on Google Maps. Satellite release radio wave and reach to your computer (receiver) and the radio wave contains the information that found by the blogjects.

Blogjects have several characteristics:
1. Blogjects track and trace where they are and where they've been
It keeps the record what information we have obtained or which website we have been visited. So, next time trace back the same information is easier. Moreover, blogjects could remember the devices that downloaded the information, for example, your computer's browser, Touch N Go. 

2. Blogjects have self-contained (embedded) histories of their encounters and experiences 
It is just like the history of our browser. They can record down all the activities. 

3. Blogjects always have some form of agency - they can foment action and participate; they have an assertive voice within the social web
We people have communities to link each other while, blogjects have agency to communicate with each other. Blogjects socialize around with other blogjects just like information flow work together with nodes to obtain extra information that needs to be delivered to a particular device.

Nowadays, blogjects are not only fly within the Web and computers but also many other devices such as mobile phones that are are embedded with NFC technology which is function for mobile payment. Then, RFID transmit the transaction details and blogjects catch the transaction details and let RFID delivers the details to the receiving mobile phones or payment provider. Cool right? The network now is beyond than the Internet.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Week 12: iOS vs Android

Let's talk about iOS and Android throughout this whole week.

Further reading:
Roth, D. (2008) 'Google's Open Source Android OS Will Free the Wireless Web'. Wired, June 23. 
[ URL: ]

New to iOS and Android?
iOS is the operating system (OS) for iPhone and the latest version of iOS is iOS 5 and the developer obviously is Apple. Then, Android is the open source of mobile operating system created by Google. Android is available for several phone manufacturers in the world such as Samsung, Sony Ericsson, and HTC. The latest version of Android OS is 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.

Want to know more about ios and Android? Watch the following two videos and they both talk about the features:

duncan33303 6th June 2011, iOS 5 full details,
Video viewed on 20th October 2011
[ URL: ]

androiddevelopers 26th October 2009, Android 2.0 official video,
Video viewed on 20th October 2011
[ URL: ]

Either iOS or Android have their own significant features. So, which one is better? It can be very argumental and very personal opinion based or different point of views, since these two are the mobile OS competitors for each other. Moreover, a recent research on mobile OS and found out the percentage of app downloads Android occupied 44 percent and beat iOS which was 31 percent only during second quarter of 2011. Another review on last year also showed that Android active users soon reach 100 million. That finding was last year, so imagine the increment of Android active users by today is really a lot, a lot! What can all these results prove? It proves Android is famous and popular than iOS. Watch this video, it strengthens the arguments of Android is better than iOS:

CNETTV 11th November 2010, Top 5: Reasons Android is better than iPhone,
Video viewed on 20th October 2011
[ URL: ]

However, die hard fans for Apple product sure would definitely love iOS 5 and support iOS. Watch this then you might understand why:

AppJudgment 7th June 2011, Android users react to Apple iOS 5 announcements. Something rotten in cupertino! - AppJudgment,
Video viewed on 20th October 2011
[ URL: ]

The further reading is about the story of Android is formed and the effects to make Android. Besides, it also discusses the influences of Android to the web especially the ways we browse the net. Thanks to Android, we now can surf the net by using smart phones more faster and more effectives.

In addition, the good about Android and iOS are:
1. Apps Download
They both do have market (Android market) or apps store (iOS) for us to download various types of apps (applications). More than 10, 000 apps are available for both OS. Apps can enhance the speed of doing work and also improve the quality of work. For example, we can now produce music by using instruments apps.

2. Surf net easily
Android and iOS come with their own browsers. Android is called Browser and iOS is safari. We can browser through the Internet by using mobile browsers.

Android and iOS both influence our Internet activities, usage and behaviors. Due to Android and iOS allow us to connect Internet easily then, we keen to use the Web more frequently. Many people use mobile phones to online especially South Africa. The features also stimulate the increment of social media users and content. We tend to use our mobile phones or other Android and iOS devices such as tablets, iPad and many more to surf net and do other online activities. For example, we can use our smart phone to capture a picture then upload to Facebook. In consequences, our online habits and behaviors can be reshaped and we are now more addicted to the social media.

1. The Huffington Post 25th October 2011, Android apps more popular than iOS Apps, ABI research study finds, HuffPost Tech
Retrieved on 20th October 2011, available at
[ URL: ]

2. Lia S 31st January 2011, Android soon has 100 million active users, Info Sync
Retrieved on 20th October 2011, available at
[ URL: ]

Sunday 16 October 2011

Week 11: Facebook and Twitter - The Social Revolutions

This week is all about Facebook and Twitter:
(Additional reading) 
Morozov E 2011, Facebook and Twitter are just places revolutionaries go, The Guardian, 7 March
[ URL: ]

Nowadays, more people are available on the Internet by Facebook, Twitter, blog, YouTube and many more. Facebook has increased the number of active users to more than 750 million by today. So, what does it mean? Basically, the increment of active users for Facebook represents the number of people use Internet has increased too. It is due to the new boomer Z is increased, the technology is more advance and more people are adapt to it. Let's discuss how Facebook and Twitter affect our life, our society in several aspects.

1. Understand the Social Media Revolution
During 2000s, the web was simple but now we have so many interactive multimedia tools available on the Web such as video (YouTube), music (iTunes), communication (Social Networking sites such as Facebook, instant messaging). We can do many things now in one shot via Internet. Watch the below video to help you understand more on social media. It talks about the audience for social media such as YouTube and Facebook and also discusses the trend for social media in nowadays.

Socialnomics09 8th June 2011, Social media revolution 2011,
Video viewed on 16th October 2011 
[ URL: ]

2. Facebook and Twitter Usage and User?
Facebook is about networking. In brief, it is about making and meeting friends from worldwide. You can communicate with other people who are available from Facebook and expand your social network by adding different nationalities of friends. Since there are too many Facebook active users from worldwide which means the audience for Facebook is really huge. Any information share within Facebook can be delivered to mass audience at the same time and even faster than traditional media. It is one of the significant advantages of delivering information via Facebook. You can share anything you want included video and photos through Facebook.

On the other hand, Twitter is also can do with social networking even it is a micro blog site. Users can tweet any information, thoughts, and even any stories they want, just like an online diary log but limited words count for each tweet.  Twitter also can be a platform to information sharing then information searching.

In contrast, either Facebook or Twitter also can be a platform to search information from what others posted, share information and deliver message to mass audience. We are now the produsers for these social networking sites (SNS), we are the users and also the producers for the contents at the same time. Facebook, Twitter and other social sites such as YouTube, blogs are user-generated. Basically, is we the users to contribute the content. Facebook and Twitter are powerful in information sharing even though those are user-generated content. The following video discusses, the impact of social media on information sharing and how social media can be powerful to change your social life and your mind. Watch this:   

DABWorldWide 22th September 2010, A day in the life of the social media,
Video viewed on 16th October 2011 
[ URL: ]

3. The Influences of Facebook and Twitter in Politic
Since, Facebook and Twitter are the platform to delivery message and information in more freedom and interactive ways and also reach mass audience. Thus, politicians and citizens use SNS to discuss politic issues. For example, civic hacking or e-democracy which have been discussed in previous post. Moreover, the ways to access to various SNS are broad. You can use your personal computer, smart phones and even tablets. Today, many people log in to Facebook and Twitter check for updates and it is a daily activity now. Therefore, the chances for them to expose to political issues, news or information through SNS are higher when the information are available on the net.

The United States current President Barack Obama do have a Twitter account and he has more than one million followers. Whatever stories Obama have shared on his Twitter account, his followers would aware of those tweets. This proves SNS can help to gain attention from citizens.

Social media is about the Internet and the Internet thing seems to be virtual. However, cyber-Utopian believes social media can be useful for politic and also social for instant. Basically, cyber-Utopian refers to a person who uses Internet believes the phenomenon of Internet is positive and the network is doing goods for people. Thus, they believe using social media to have discussion on civic problems can be helpful. The cyber-Utopian or cyber-activism uses virtual medium (SNS) to deliver reality information for politic. Social media can be useful in some other ways. People could use social media to do virtual protest and make people feel like it is not really a political protest. For example, people in Dubai are not able to do protest due to security risk but they belie it by organizing and doing random activities on the net.

Then, what makes the people actively use social media for politic? Basically, is the censorship of traditional media and it limits the access to government. Moreover, security and risk would be another issue too. Maybe it is too risky and affect the security of the society if doing real protest especially countries in Middle East. However, social media has more freedom of expression and it benefits people to tell more about politic. People not longer group themselves on the street and protest, they can share their thoughts, dissatisfaction, complaints, and even expressions through social media and achieve the effects of protest - this is virtual protest. Watch this video and you might have a brief idea on how people use social media to do politic in Middle East.

AbbasAlidinaTV 3th July 2011, Social media and the Middle East revolution (The National),
Video viewed on 16th October 2011
[ URL: ] 

So what would happen if there are no Facebook and Twitter? The Internet or the web will still revolve but we do not know what will form then. Maybe is something similar but not calling Facebook or Twitter. The current trend is Facebook and Twitter seem to be very important and significant to our life. We use them for social, business, marketing, promotion, employment, and even politic. Who can really guess how the web will change in the future five years? I guess all these social media will become more advance and more interactive than you and I could think of. In addition, Facebook and Twitter with various significant advantages, they allow us to share thoughts and expressions towards a particular politic issue but please do not abuse it. Do not forget, certain countries are govern and monitor our online activities by legislation. 

(PS: not everything can be shared via SNS in certain countries. So please be careful, do not breach the law.) 

Saturday 1 October 2011

Week 9: Civic Hacking (E-democracy)

This week's reading:
Crabtree J, "Civic hacking: A new agenda for e-democracy"
[ URL: ] 

The above article is about online activism and the dark side of the net. Nowadays, we people are not longer stick to representative democracy but using Internet tools such as social networking sites and blogs for democracy. 

Why the people are switching to online democracy or e-democracy and how does it work? To answer these, I would like to highlight certain points that I found interesting from the article.

1.  E-democracy: The marvel of modern age?
Nowadays, many of us especially young people spend more times on Internet. Then, E-democracy can reach wider range of people.

2.  E-democracy is "Civic Hacking"?
E-democracy is not primarily concern about representation, participation, and decision making but self-help. It gives a mutual aid among the communities and people themselves are helping each other through the state. This is strategy is called "Civic Hacking". Civic hacking uses technologies or Internet to help the communities and make changes by shaping mindset.  

3.  Electronic politics or E-democracy can or cannot help?
This is debatable. Some argued it cannot help if the people do not really care about politics and do not use Internet but the thing is electronic politics or e-democracy obviously can reach more people who are online included those people who did not pay much attention to politics (just like me). It might not help politicians to get more voters from the Internet but online tools can help them to deliver messages and news. However, if the topic is related to the people, for sure they would pay attention even just a little to it. Therefore, for e-democracy, politicians first need to know what citizens need and what are the civic problems people concern.

4. It is a civic space to talk each other
E-democracy is not about the state but the communication within the communities and also among the people themselves. It is a platform for people to group themselves to share thoughts, opinions, and also help each other within their communities. 

5. How e-democracy works?
Basically, it uses Internet tools or applications such as HTML. The good examples for it would be Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, website, or even blogs. We can use all these tools to communicate with other citizens. Then, another technology that mentioned in the article is peer-to-peer (P2P). P2P allows file sharing with mass audience. Therefore, information sharing can be done within the communities and to be delivered to many citizens at the same time. Then, citizens can share their thoughts, solve the civic problems with politicians through out P2P or social networking sites. Politicians even can influence citizens perception towards a particular politic concern by sharing information to mass audience.

6. E-democracy ethic
Since e-democracy is about self-help within the communities not the representation of the state or parliament therefore, the message is the key for ethic. If the citizens are using e-democracy for helping to improve civic problem, it might not be an issue. The ethic is about who are using e-democracy to deliver what kind of message. 

In my opinion, people can really use e-democracy to communicate with others, to understand civic problems and also seek for recommendations but the politicians need to gain interest from the citizens first by understanding the civic needs and problems.

Monday 26 September 2011

Week 8: Citizen Journalism and New Media Audiences

Before talk about citizen journalism in details, let's compare communication pattern between old and new media. Old media only allows individual conversation, which means one to one such as letters and telephones. But, new media allows mass communication, many individuals can involve in the same conversation such as email, attn, cc, bcc, you can send the same email to many individuals.

We did discuss media convergence in previous so, one of the characteristics of the new media is cosumers become prosumers. 

Consumer + Producer = Prosumer

It refers to nowadays we people are not only using the media but also contribute materials or information via the media. For example,, a blogspot owner is the consumer of Blogger and he is the producer too as he publishes web logs within his blog. Moreover, network nodes change the flow of information and more information are generated within the network. Thus, the world changes the ways to contribute or publish information especially in journalism.  

Furthermore, tradition media for publication such as newspapers and magazine have limited information due to limited columns, expensive printing and the distribution is limited too, like what we have discussed in previous post entry too. On the other hand web logs or blog can reach wider audiences and various written works can be published with low cost or even free and no entry requirements. Then, these advantages encourage people to publish their written works via web logs and citizen journalism is formed. Basically, citizen journalism refers to anyone of us can become the journalist, write something, and publish it through online. Web log, this new media for publication can reach audiences globally and then, anyone of us could be the readers or audiences of web logs as long as we are connected to the networks. 

Based on industry point of view, journalism should contain news values which are proximity, timeliness, prominence, novelty, and human interests. The stories published via web logs could achieve all these news values too and web logs are more advanced in timeliness as updates can be made immediately through online, not like newspapers, editing has to wait until next publication. Moreover, newspapers need to be profitable, that is why many advertisements but web logs not necessary need to be profitable and online journalism could offer a collection of news which is free one and always available. Internet shares information by the speed of lights thus, the news can be shared to many people at the same time.  

In addition, citizen journalism is about people can create any information, news or materials through online media thus, it could lead to information avalanche - overflow or too much of information. Besides, there are no gatekeeper to filter the information and more and more similar information can be distributed through out the networks and quality of the works would be affected too. However, citizen journalism encourages instant feedback that makes the information more valuable. It means, readers could share their opinions through online immediately and make the content richer. 

In conclusion, I am a citizen journalist too. I use Blogger to publish my written works and I could interact with my readers by commenting. 

Let's enjoy a simple animation about tradition journalism vs. citizen journalism. This video talks how citizen journalism works and benefit. 

Markfior 2009, Old vs new, [ URL: ]
viewed at 26th September 2011.  

Friday 23 September 2011

Week 7: Weblogs

This week reading: 
Shirky. C. 2002, Weblogs and the mass amateurization of publishing. [URL:] Retrieved on 23th September 2011.

First, what are weblogs? A weblog or web log, refers to a web site that contains information arranged in reverse chronological order and the site owner or users contribute the sources and information (TechTarget 2000).

The article discusses weblogs affect the ways of publishing written works and influence the ways we generate income by using weblogs. Weblogs are effective tools to publish information, news, and weblogs also can be used as an online diary. May weblogs such as Google's Blogger, WordPress are free, and getting more prosumers or produsers use weblogs for publishing their creative works then, get revenue. Here are some points need to be highlighted:

1. "Mass amateurization is the web's normal pattern"
Mass amateurization? It sounds difficult to understand right? Basically, it refers to nowadays the weblogs can reproduce and distribute unlimited written works with a low cost or even free. Then, no gatekeepers to filter the works so, the quality of works would become not so professional like the traditional publication such as newspapers. 

2. "We want a world where global publishing is effortless"
However,  weblogs are important due to we can share information by no costs and entry level. Anyone of us can create and distribute any information included personal thoughts via weblogs. Moreover, weblogs are not like the traditional media, weblogs can reach a wider audiences with a lower cost. Weblogs do not need any printing to be distributed through out the nation and networks are no border, any information shared through weblogs can flow throughout the networks and everyone from anywhere is able to read it. 

3.  "Weblogs can serve as indirect methods for revenue"
So, here comes the most interesting part: how we can generate revenue by weblogs? The article gave a few examples, such as Amazon affiliate program, and asking for donations. Amazon affiliate program enables weblogs owners to get revenue by promoting books from Amazon within the weblogs. Owners need to agree to put a widget that consists of book list so when readers visit the particular weblogs, they might aware of the book list and click on it. After that, weblogs owners could receive revenue based on the clicks. 

Amazon affiliate program
Amazon Associates, What is the amazon associates program?, [ URL: ]
Image retrieved on 23th September 2011. 

In addition, like Google also provides AdSense to let Blogger users generate revenue while blogging. It also works similar like Amazon affiliate program. Once the owners opt for AdSense, an online advertisement will be placed in their blogs and they get the income based on the clicks on the advertisements too. 

Paypal donation button. Users can generate their own Paypal donation button. For more information visit: 
MaMa's Helpdesk 2011, How to create Paypal donation button when donation option is not visible, blogspot. [ URL: ]
Image retrieved on 23th September 2011.

The article discusses another way to generate revenue is asking for donations such as Amazon and Paypal tip jars.  Certain weblogs are self sponsored to provide paid information or materials such as music. Thus, they need donations from readers to maintain their weblogs. Readers could pay the donations to the weblogs owners by credit cards or Paypal money.

Due to weblogs can reach widest audiences throughout the networks and advertisement exposure is higher therefore, many organizations would advertise on weblogs. Furthermore, advertising community is formed to let advertisements to be published on suitable weblogs and let the weblogs owners to get revenue, for example Nuffnang Malaysia. 

In conclusion, weblogs can reach mass readers or audiences. Everyone can distribute their works through weblogs, weblogs require no entry level, no barriers to publish works, and most important weblogs are mostly free service. Weblogs are ideal platforms to let us share written works and whatever we like. Besides, we could get revenue while we blog too. 

TechTarget, 2000, What is weblog?, SearchSOA [ URL: ]
Viewed at 23th September 2011. 

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Week 6: Convergence

What is convergence? It refers to the flow of content across multiple media platforms (such as smart phones, CDs) have migrated or mutated in between of the company and media industries. To make it simple, convergence means the media platforms change the behaviors and usages.  For example, you can use mobile phone to log in Facebook, Microsoft Xbox 360 allows you not only play games but also playing dvd, music, and online. 

Next, due to media and networks are converging , now we have two new terms "prosumer" and "produser". Both terms are similar, they describe a person is a consumer or user and producer at the same time. For example, I am the user of Google blogspot but at the same time I am the producer too because I am writing blog post like this. I produce information. "Prosumer" and "produser" are the new phenomena of media and networks convergence. 

One of the characteristics of convergence is change from analogue to digital. A good example would be newspapers. Newspapers from printed copy shift to online one such as The Star, Readers could obtain news either from hard copy or through online. Online copies are more updated and timeliness. Besides, certain media also use analogue medium to perform well such as the DJ uses vinyl to do music but there are new type of vinyl that allows DJ produce music with CDs. 

In addition, the advantages of convergence are able to multitasking and high availablity. Able to multitasking refers to convergent technologies like Internet allow users to do various works at the same time and also by the use of one medium only. For example, information search, social networking by using personal computer or laptop. While, high availability refers to the media, information, and other kinds of materials are available 24 hours and 365 days. Internet would not sleep thus, we could obtani to all the contents that available within the networks at anytime. Moreover, it is easier to access the contents if compare to old media such as newspapers, magazine, you have to search contents from a bulk of newspapers which is not effective. 

Then, the disadvantage is hard to categorize the media and also the content. For example, smart phone. Nowadays, we can use smart phone to email, text, call, and even log in Facebook or twitter. Smart phone allows multitasking and look like it is not longer like a phone that for phone calls only. Therefore, how should we define the smart phone as what kind of media? Is it a phone? or multitasking gadget? 

Last, the old media would not die but it change its form or the ways to deliver is mutated. We are not longer only receive information from old media such as newspapers, books and we actually can read books in digital forms such as e-books, or via Kindler reader. It is interesting to see the media converged and share information without charging. Like we could search information through and it is free. But, we do need the gadgets to access to free services and also obtain information. For example, we need a computer to use Google search engine.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Week 5 Lecture - Intellectual Property

This week blog post would be related to the lecturer that given by Mr. Faizal and this week (week 5) lecture was about Intellectual Property.

So what is intellectual property?
Basically, intellectual property refers to the creations, inventions of literary and artistic works, logos, names, images that can be used in commerce. For example, book, music, film, logo for business could be intellectual properties.

We do need lawsuit to protect our intellectual property since we created it by our own minds and ideas.
The lecture did mention one good point, if there was no protection for the things we created then why do we still need to create new things? Thus, we now have several laws to protect all creations and inventions such as Copyright Act. The first copyright act has been implied on 400 years ago - Statue of Queen Anne (1710). It encourages people to write more books and it also known as the origin of copyright. Then, more copyright act or law have been formed in many countries. The lecture mostly discussed the possible law or act that protect creative works. The common protections we have to know are Copyright Law, Trademark, and Patent.

Next, we commonly see the law that protect all the creations is Copyright Law. It applies to creative works such as music, art printing, books and it do not require creators to register. The creative work would automatically obtain the protection once it is published in public. The protection lasts for 70 years and the creative work would be released to public after author's death,  we call it as "Public Domain". While corporate authorship lasts longer which is 95 to 120 years. The protection duration would be varied based on different countries' copyright law or act. Creative works which fall into Public Domain are free from copyright and the creative works are available to everyone, we could reuse them freely.

On the other hand, another protection we should not left out is Trademark. Trademark is different from Copyright Law. It applies to sign, logo, or picture which represents the brand and company and usually for commercial purposes. For example, McDonald's®. The ® mark behind the name refers to the name McDonald's® has been registered as a trade mark and others need to grant permission from McDonald's® if they want to use the name in other purposes. Another significant way to identify whether the creative works are protected by Trademark is looking at ™. ™ refers to the unregistered trade mark used to promote goods. Besides, SM are for unregistered service mark used to promote services.

After that, Patent refers to a set of rights that protect the inventions which are technologically based. Patent protects technology stuffs, gadgets, or even technology ideas and it expires after 20 years. What would happen if the protection is expired? The inventor could offer to sell his or her invention or for businesses would come out with similar inventions.

On the other hand, we are the "users" of all the inventions and creative works then, what are the things we should aware? Can we use the copyrighted materials without breaching the lawsuit?

There is a set of rights titled "Fair Use". We can use a copyrighted material in the situation of fair use such as education purpose. But, the condition is you have to remain the nature of the copyrighted material. Furthermore, Fair Use allows others to use the copyrighted material especially music not more than 30 seconds. If exceed the limit, you are against the rights. 

Then, things that we need to aware are Digital Rights Management (DRM) and End User License Agreement. DRM refers to the embedded technology on the digital copyrighted materials and protect ways to access to the materials.  It aims to restrict and control how you use the materials. For example, certain CDs with this technology would not allow you to copy all the tracks into your computer. We users could only play the CDs on certain devices. Nevertheless, End User License Agreement is the document stated users buy the permission to use the material but they do not own the copy. It can usually be found during the first time access to the copyrighted material such as games, softwares, and also services. We need to agree it first then, only can use the material therefore, always read through and identify the risks while using the material. 

In conclusion, the rights that protect creative works and inventions would limit us to obtain the information. It is because we could not reuse the copyrighted materials and we would have limitation to access to the information especially the one with DRM protection. However, all these kinds of rights are needed to protect the original creators and inventors to make sure they have the greatest benefits. We also could not simply make fun of the original creative works.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Networks and the Economic

Week Four's reading (21 - 25 August 2011):
Bradwell, P., and Reeves, R. (2008) Economies. In Networked Citizens (pp. 25-31). London: Demos. [ URL: ]

Online shopping is getting popular in 2000s. It stimulates the growth of economy too.
Krishna Pandey, (2011). Need A Key For The Smart Shopper? Start Online! [online] findshop4u blog. [ URL: ]
[Image retrieved on 23th August 2011]

"Two of the key changes to the economy and labour market, which alongside the technologies, have put social networks at the heart of organizational thinking. They have done so because they are changes that put collaboration and interdependence at the heart of business practice", quoted from the above article. 

Using networks to do businesses is required to have knowledge and skills because all the services available online need certain knowledge and skills to operate, such as knowledge on using search engine and uploading an information. For example, there are several to search information by using search engines which included boolean, ask question. Networks could be a useful tool for economic if the employees are been taught with all the needed skills. 

Moreover, networks change the ways we do businesses, interactions between organizations and individuals, and also the communications between employees and the employers. For example, we are not only use Facebook to communicate, expand our social network but we could use it to do promotion, advertising, and even transaction can be deal via Facebook. There are many organizations use Facebook to contact their customers and consumers. Networks and the technologies allow commerces to take place through online and they stimulate the improvement the economy and society of one country. According to the reading article, it said that businesses started to adapt the way social networks function and are using social networks as tools which have advantage of the connections. Thus, we believe social networks could help to increase business sales, launch promotion, and implement other marketing purposes.

In addition, "Technology is only part of the answer to why it is that networks have remained in such sharp focus, and have occupied thinking around work and businesses." Networks are widely use by all of us in nowadays. I should say networks are getting wider and popular since 2000s. It is because the improvement of technologies. We have to use the technologies to "show" we are updated and not to be left behind from the networks. Many technologies are available through out the networks such as Facebook and instant messaging. For example, we have discussed this before: Facebook created on 2004 but the active users increased rapidly on few years later. Since the growth of Facebook's active users are great, it means many people are on Facebook therefore, there are possible to get another new business market through Facebook and organizations started to use Facebook to target certain group of people. 

Next, the article also discusses networks are the alternative platforms to do businesses instead of spending a significant amount and this made the networks exist for economic or transaction purposes. The author believed that networks could improve the economy status in terms of productivity. It is because networks are fulled with various information, knowledge, and it also enable to store organizations' details or transactions records. Thus, an organization need not to spend extra cost for information and certain services. Furthermore, those sub products, services, or technologies that provided by certain organizations could ease the employees to do work with more resources. For example, Google itself have Gmail, Blogger, and even operating system for mobile phone. All these services allow employees to do multitasking by using Google only.

There are many sites such as Google, Facebook, allow us to do multitasking to save cost and time. One of the popular online shopping site is
mengmei, (2011). The Virtual Revolution. [online] a girl's business blog [ URL: ] 
[Image retrieved on 23th August 2011] 

On the other hand, networks affect the economic but also one's lifestyle. The decisions for an individual to make a purchase could be showed within the networks and might be influenced while making the particular decision. It refers to networks provide sociability, we communicate and interact with different people from worldwide and we might get cultural influenced. Then, our buying habits and living standards could change and these changes would reshape the business opportunity in the whole world.The article did provide a good example for it: "Our decisions to buy different brands of coffee can resonate and affect living standards in coffee-growing areas across the world."

In conclusion, networks could affect everyone across the world and also our economy. The article provided a survey result which is conducted by the Creative Group of marketing and advertising executives in the US and found out 57 per cent believe it is permissible for employees to browse non-workrelated websites during business hours. This proves employees would use networks to do other tasks such as online shopping, social networking at workplace and we believe networks are not only for work but also commerce, social, education, entertainment, and many  more. It is crucial for organizations use networks to expand their businesses since networks are widely use by different ranges of people across the world. Last, the growth of online shopping in recent is a good example to see how commerce can take place within networks. The invisible cyberspace networks provide lots of business opportunities and help to boost the economic standards.

Let's listen to professional discussions on the impact of Internet.
TheSpbForum, (2011). Google's Eric Schmidt discusses the internet's impact on social and economic development 4/5. [online] youtube [ URL: ]
[Video retrieved on 23th August 2011]

Monday 22 August 2011

Information Ecology

Week two's reading:
Stalder, F. (2005) 'Information Ecology'. In Open Cultures and the Nature of Networks pp. 62-66  
[ URL: ]

"Information Ecology" discusses the environment of the intangible flows of information through digital media. We get information from cyberspace because nodes and flows do their jobs. Nodes carry information and flows within the cyberspace environment and we receive the information from "nodes". It also tells, we use information to communicate with other people across time and distances, and we check and re-evaluate those obtained information then, produce more information. That is the way networks grow. 

Basically, the author divided information ecology into 4 dimensions: interdependency, change, time-boudness, and differentiation.

1. Interdependency
It refers to the networks flow the information by connected nodes and all these nodes are mutually dependent to each other. According the the article, there are two elements work for the networks' environment: flows and nodes. "Flows without elements of structure would be noise and nodes without flows would be dead", quoted. Since the environment is related the process of delivering information (information flow), each nodes attach with the flows and information pass through the nodes then "flow" to the other nodes. Nodes must work with flows, nodes would do nothing if there are no flows. Therefore, two or more nodes are linked together just to let the information flow. 

2. Change
What does the "change" mean? It is about the changes in information flows. The environment of networks is information flows and the environment is full with nodes and flows. Then, "The interdependence of the nodes can travel through the whole environment and, according to the way it is reshaped in each node; it grows or decreases in relevance and speed". Information could flow in any ways within networks therefore, cyberspace or networks optimize the information sharing process and not only one-to-one sharing only but various parties.

3. Time-boudness
According to the reading "Information flows very quickly, at the speed of light through computer networks, and the new interrelations are born as fast as old connections die time is a supreme factor". Yes, time-boundness refers to the speed of information flows is very fast just like the speed of light. We do not really can see or test how fast the information flows within the networks by our own eye sights. Moreover, we experience the speedy information flows when we use the Internet. For example, instant messaging, we chat with friend who is staying at United States but we are at Malaysia. The conversation (information) can be sent to the friend immediately and we can receive direct respond from him even our geographical distance is far. However, the speed of information flows would be different due to the relationship between nodes and flows are changed. The information could take a longer time to reach the other nodes if the flows are slower such as Internet connection has technical problem.

4. Differentiation
"Information is difference and the nodes survive as long as they can make a difference, which is for as long as they can produce information that is valid for others. In information ecology the basis for cooperation and survival is differentiation and not similarity", quoted. Many nodes carry different information to be flowed within the cyberspace environment then, certain nodes with same information would be eliminate and only keep one node only because one node can "produce" information. Let's say node A carries the information of "how to bake a cheese cake" and node B carries the same information then, either node A or node B would be eliminate or would not be existed within the networks. Furthermore, if node A is survived, node A can flow the information to different nodes and "produsers" could change the information to "how to bake a marble cheese cake" and node carries different information again. Thus, nodes carry different information and they flows at the same time.

In conclusion, the environment of cyberspace is full of many nodes, which carry different information then, these information flows to other nodes for information transferring or sharing. Nodes are not stand alone; they need flows to pass the information to other nodes. We can imagine the environment like snail mailing system. We want to send one letter (information) from Subang Jaya to Port Dickson, we have to post the letter to the district post office (node 1) then, the letter needs to be passed to Selangor state post office (node 2) for sorting. After that, it will be delivered to the destination's state post office, Seremban (node 3) and at the end it arrives at Port Dickson, the district post office (node 4). The process of delivery is flow and all the post offices are nodes. That is how information flows within the networks. 

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