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Thursday 3 November 2011

Week 13: The Internet Things: Why Things Matter

The last case study:
Bleecker J 2006, Why things matter: A manifesto for networked objects
[ URL: ]

The above article discussses blogject and spime. These two terms might be very new to certain people included me. I do not know them until I read this article. Nowadays, the technologies are more advance and we are living with the Web at anything time and anywhere. The ways to access to the Web are broader. I keep repeating on this because the technologies improve us to access the Web easier did really leave impact to our society. We are now relying on virtual social networking on Facebook or Twitter. Previous post contained several videos that talk about social media, you can always watch those videos again to know how social media impact towards our society by today. However, now the "thing" is, the Internet is not only Internet but radio wave frequency.

Basically blogject refers to the focus attention and participations between "objects" and the "things" within the atmosphere of network. It sounds confusing to you? Readers, do you still remember the information flow and nodes that I have discussed on the earlier time? It is something like information flow and nodes but blogject is the term for the sphere of these information flow and nodes by using RFID (Radio Frequency Identifiers). Then, spime is the more advance term than blogject. Basically they are similar. Either blogject or spime can track, it is searchable and it can discourse with other things within the network. The thing here we can imagine it as the information flow and node. 

Still confusing? Blogject and spimes are not only applied to Internet and the Web but also RFID.  Maybe go through these examples would strengthen your understanding:
1. GSM communications
Basically, it is your mobile phone and your telecommunication operator such as Maxis, Digi and others. How you receive calls, text messages and multimedia messages via telco? RFID do the things. How RFID helps to deliver the messages to you? So, blogject and spimes connect with each other and discourse then pass the messages to you by RFID.

2. GPS
How you can really receive immediate update with your GPS? Blogject and spimes search information and using RFID as delivery channel. It is just like GPS is functioning based on blogject and spimes from satellite through radio wave.

3. Google Maps
The same theory that applies on Google Maps. Satellite release radio wave and reach to your computer (receiver) and the radio wave contains the information that found by the blogjects.

Blogjects have several characteristics:
1. Blogjects track and trace where they are and where they've been
It keeps the record what information we have obtained or which website we have been visited. So, next time trace back the same information is easier. Moreover, blogjects could remember the devices that downloaded the information, for example, your computer's browser, Touch N Go. 

2. Blogjects have self-contained (embedded) histories of their encounters and experiences 
It is just like the history of our browser. They can record down all the activities. 

3. Blogjects always have some form of agency - they can foment action and participate; they have an assertive voice within the social web
We people have communities to link each other while, blogjects have agency to communicate with each other. Blogjects socialize around with other blogjects just like information flow work together with nodes to obtain extra information that needs to be delivered to a particular device.

Nowadays, blogjects are not only fly within the Web and computers but also many other devices such as mobile phones that are are embedded with NFC technology which is function for mobile payment. Then, RFID transmit the transaction details and blogjects catch the transaction details and let RFID delivers the details to the receiving mobile phones or payment provider. Cool right? The network now is beyond than the Internet.
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